Q: As a form of motivation for doing scales, I purchased your and Mr. Sa’s choro book. When looking through it, I saw no indications for downstrokes and upstrokes over any of the notes. I understand the general rule of placing downstrokes on more accented notes (on beats, etc.) but with the syncopation of choro I was wondering if this rule still applies. Is there any general rule dictating where downstrokes and upstrokes should be in syncopated music like choro?
A: Good idea– the rhythmic modal scale exercises in the Choro book are much more fun to play than regular scales. Your instincts on the picking are also right. Choro is a very accented music, so the emphasis on the main note– whether on the beat or a syncopation– is important. Generally Choro uses a straight down-up alternation. And it would not be a bad idea to play the exercises with both versions of this, to increase your picking dexterity.