If you are looking for more information on Brazilian music, Marilynn highly recommends these sites:
A Agenda do Samba & Choro: A page, in Portuguese, that is chock full of information on groups, CD releases, and concerts in Brazil. There is also a link to “partituras,” Portuguese for sheetmusic, where you can download a motley collection of leadsheets and arrangements in Encore or pdf form.
Loronix – Music from Brazil: Zeca Louro promotes forgotten Brazilian music not commercially available. There are descriptions and links to out-of-print LPs of all sorts of Brazilian music– Choro, samba, bossa nova, early MPB. The site is in English, with numerous translations available.
Instituto Moreira Salles: Interesting biographies, w/ pictures and music, of early Choro composers (click “Musica”), a “Musica do Dia” button w/ a new tune to listen to every day, and an archive of historic recordings. The site is in Portuguese, but the recordings are worth your effort to find them.
Dictionario Cravo Albin da Musica Popular Brasileira: Yes, it’s in Portuguese, but that’s what Google Translate is for. This is an astonishingly comprehensive encyclopedia of Brazilian composers and performers of all styles of music. I have the book version, but now this resource is online, for free. Invaluable.
Instituto Jacob do Bandolim: Again, the site is in Portuguese, but there are recordings (click Ouça) and sheetmusic (click “Partituras”) to download in addition to the wealth of written info.
Bandolim.net: Fernando Duarte has an interesting site with music and information. It’s in Portuguese, but Fernando speaks English well, so email him if you have any questions.
BrazzilMag: “Since 1989 trying to understand Brazil” is their tagline. You’ll find articles on Brazilian news and culture (sometimes music) in English.